
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Alcohol is a Depressant? (Benefits of Alcohol)

I am not quite sure if the medical profession understand the effects of alcohol. Any drug class will list Alcohol as a depressant and I think it is wrong. When you are depressed, you might try to lighten your feelings with an alcoholic stimulant. As long as you are doing this without the need of using your motor skills for the next few hours (driving, speaking,... WTF.... Walking, LOL) you should be fine.

After getting a nice buzz (legally drunk), your mood changes, it is easier to laugh at the dumbest stuff (I am sure this is how someone though Dumb and Dumber made sense), and you genuinely feel better overall. As a matter of fact, one might feel fearless and willing to try harder to do something they have not been able to accomplish before. While you might have the courage, it is important to understand that you will have the impairment of the motor skills which will restrict your ability to accomplish tasks.

Not being able to accomplish tasks doesn't necessarily make you depressed, but being arrested for DUI, losing your driver's license and being forced to pay for higher auto insurance would definitely make you depressed. And if you don't drive, but you are an asshole to your beloved to the point you become violent, irresponsible and act a fool, you may find yourself in a depressed state. But that alcohol stimulant will always be there and is the reason why alcoholism is a problem. 

If you don't drive and don't create a problem with your significant other, then how could it be considered a depressant? If you drink past the level of "buzz" to the point of being borderline clinically close to death from alcohol, your body will reject it! Your body will try to expel the alcohol through sweat, urine and if it can't get it out of the body fast enough, it will force you to throw it up by vomit. If you reach that point, you will experience a hang over and be seriously depressed the next day until you flush the alcohol out of your body with the replacement of water. 

But if you plan to stop and actually make it to a stopping point that prevents you to being so drunk your body was rejecting the alcohol, can you still benefit by the stimulant qualities of alcohol? 

Yes and No. Yes, you hopefully will feel better during the moment of pain. The problem occurs when it is time to rest. You might feel as though you are experiencing a deeper sleep, but it actually is not the case as you are to be able to dream as part of your sleep. When you sleep during inebriation, you will wake not feeling rested and wanting to sleep more. Does the lack of sleep create a state of depression. It all depends on how much you value your sleep. When you are young, you might not value sleep, but as you get older, you will realize that sleep is essential to being able to function to your optimal abilities the next day. 

Overall, I would state alcohol is not a depressant if you can limit the effects by not driving and not interacting, but as it does affect judgement. Moreover if you can limit the intake of alcohol to the point that you can take it into moderation, you should feel better inside. However, if you don't know your limits, think they are higher than what others have told you, you may create a situation of  depression. Unfortunately, since it does affect your judgement, you may not know when to quit and may ultimately end of with a state of depression.

PS: I have wanted to write this blog for some time, but since I did make a margarita at home, I am relaxed, I feel much better, and I decided tonight was the night to write it. I hope you enjoyed.

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