The NFL was made a mockery of how they handled the Ray Rice domestic violence investigation as they ruled one way, but increased the fine after the video tape of the incident was made public trying to cover their tracks. It wasn't until after Rice won his appeal did we see the other half of the video tape where Rice was seen with his fiance in hancuffs kissing each other before being taken to jail. Clearly the NFL needs to set up a separate committee to handle investigations and punishment of players and coaches.
On Monday we heard of the allegations that New England Patriots deflated footballs for their game against the Colts for the AFC championship game this past Sunday. There are so many things that should happen so we don't hear about this after this week.
1- There are cameras looking everywhere before, during and after the game. I am sure if we can see someone picking their nose, we can see someone with a needle changing the air pressure of the footballs. The NFL should have a team of people looking at this.
2- What did the officials say? We hear that they said the balls were under inflated and aired up at half time, but what was the air pressure to start the game? What was the air pressure at the end of the game?
- It was reported by Chris Mortensen that the 12 balls were turned in by the team that Friday before the game. With the knowledge of science and the effects of temperature change, what was the temperature of the room when they were last checked. This sounds like a great case for Myth Busters to exam the ability to throw a ball farther with less air pressure along with the difference in air pressure in a room temperature of 75 degree versus outdoor temperature of 20 degrees or whatever the temperature was at halftime this past Sunday.
3- The video referenced of the official throwing a ball to the sideline for a different ball was thought to have been throwing a kicking ball to the sideline that is only used for kicking. At least that was what the announcer said during the game. They explained that the kicking footballs are not rubbed up the same way as footballs used for regular game play. Why are there 2 different types of footballs?
4- That brings me to the last point which is why doesn't the NFL supply, monitor and take care of all the footballs before, during and after the game. I heard that players get fined for throwing a football into the stands, but they are not the NFL's footballs, so why does it matter. The NFL should be supplying all footballs and we won't have anymore issues.
Footballs supplied by the NFL is not something that they should have to wait for a rules committee or owners meetings to decide. They should just do it for the Super Bowl and we won't need to discuss this further. Now to pay for the footballs for next season, they should have a rules committee make the rule that the teams have to pay for the football by increasing their royalties to the league. SIMPLE!!!
As far as what is in the past is in the past. If there were specific rules or the league finds video evidence that someone associated to the Patriots changed the air pressure during this past Sunday's football game by Thursday, then the Patriots should forfeit their right to go to the Super Bowl, move the game another week back and allow the Indianapolis Colts the chance to play in the Super Bowl. If there is no proof found, let the game be played and be done with it.
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