
Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Favorite Launcher is Google Now, not Nova

I have a Samsung Note 4 and tried the stock launcher, Google Now Launcher and Nova Launcher for extended periods of time. Each has their own parts that make it different from the others. The Samsung Launcher is the worst and Google Now Launcher is the best in my opinion and now I will tell you why.

Samsung Touchwiz is basically annoying. It is slow and theme-less. I love Flipboard, but hate the news version that is baked in the stock launcher by swiping to the left like Google Now. It is very slow to load and doesn't appear to be updated for all that time it took to load. The only benefit is being able to pin S Memo notes on it. S Memo can minimize one note with any launcher, but you may run the risk of losing it.

I have always had a soft spot for Nova Launcher since using it for gestures before Samsung put the app switcher button on their phones starting with the S5 and Note 4. I have always set a simple swipe up to see my recent apps, but that only works on the home screen and never inside an app. I also set a double tap on the screen to launch the camera.

The double tap for the camera brings me to the first quirk with Nova. I will tap my Weather Bug widget and it won't open Weather Bug on the first tap. So I tap it again, but sometimes I get aggressive with it and the camera opens. I guess I could disable that gesture, but that is one of the things that make Nova Launcher great. You can speed up animations, scrolling and other stuff, but I find it doesn't actually speed anything up. Actually scrolling in most apps is slower. I believe that it is because the system is trying to let Nova control it even when you leave everything as stock in Nova Launcher.

I really like the ability of Nova Launcher sharing features of the next Android update before it huts my phone. Nova allows you to use animation and icons in different versions, and now you can set up darker features at night. The dark features don't help apps as  it will have to be baked in the operating system. One more thing that I love is using a simple down gesture the pull down the notification bar.

Nova is not at fault for holding the home button, but I wish it could be customized. In Marshmallow, going to Google Now is not as quick as holding the home button. Google Now is more responsive as is the Google Now Launcher. The Google Now Launcher us faster, the icons are bigger by default and allows quick access to Google Now by swiping to the left from the home screen. Opening apps is faster as is closing apps. It also uses the least amount of battery.

I will give up my gestures once again and go back to fast, simple, and battery saving Google Now Launcher by default.

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